Many successful companies nowadays follow the philosophy, that product development should take place in partnerships across company bounderies along the added value chain. Behind this concept is the awareness that products should not be viewed separately from the processes applied in their production. A component which is laid out as a forged part cannot be displayed as a cast or welded part.

For this reason, the design engineer must know the special characteristics of the envisioned manufacturing process abilities, in order to design the components in such a way, that the special abilities and limits of the process are taken into account from the start. For this, he needs knowledge of the process as well as know-how from the suppliers. Parmaco lives according to this philosophy and therefore offers its customers a cooperative collaboration in the development of the product. This includes aspects such as engineering, optimization of the component along the lines of funcionality and producibility tool design and other aspects, in order to achieve the highest added value possible. In order to make this happen, the departments of sales and engineering at Parmaco and the engineers of the customer work closely together. This working method ensures the development of an optimal solution regarding both the product properties and the economic efficiency of the production already from the beginning of the project. In order to increase the knowledge of our partner, we also offer MIM training courses.